Page 6 - Ampronix 2019 Catalog
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About Ampronix Imaging Technology

        Focused on Medical Imaging Innovation


        Our philosophy is simple - unwavering commitment   When selecting your next visual product or repair   Throughout more than thirty five years of researching,
        to design visual applications which focus on resolving   service for your medical workstation, cost   developing and understanding the healthcare industry,
        niche technical medical issues.  We design, research   effectiveness is a critical part of the decision making   we have become the leader in medical imaging
        and develop a full line of visual products with the   process. We pride ourselves on offering cost-effective   technology. We dedicate ourselves to meeting the
        application in mind. Our products are developed   solutions and helping our clients achieve success. We   growing needs of the medical community with our
        in-house and provide healthcare professionals with    bring an expansive product line offering   extensive product knowledge, outstanding service,
        detailed quality that other companies cannot offer.   budget-oriented visual solutions without sacrificing   and state-of-the-art repair facility. Our dedication to
        With research and development in-house this enables   quality, reliability or product features. We deliver low   our customers and the medical industry has enabled
        us to deliver the highest quality and most cost    cost of ownership and maintenance free operations on  us to build solutions in different niche healthcare
        effective solutions without compromising quality and   our monitors, video recorders, video signal converters   markets and understand the unique, high-demands of
        features. For over thirty five years, our customers   and professional mounting solutions. These are    healthcare professionals around the world.
        have chosen us as a trusted source of value-added   attractive choices for mammography, radiology, PACS,
        products, ISO and ESD certified repair, and high-end   surgery, pathology and more. Our goal is to ensure
        services at affordable prices. With our highly trained   maximization of operating margin and the best price
        and experienced technicians, we are committed to   point advantage in the industry.
        the highest industry standards and ethical codes of
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